Human blood is a viscous fluid due to_________?

A: Platelets in plasma

B: Proteins in blood

C: RBC and WBC in blood

D: Sodium in serum

Proteins in blood

There are cells in human body called Faggot cells which cause__________?


B: Tuberculosis

C: Smallpox

D: Leukaemia


Which of the following proteins have role in heredity?

A: Chromo-proteins

B: Lipo-proteins

C: Phospho-proteins

D: Nucleo-proteins


Deficiency of vitamin C will cause:__________?

A: Beri-Beri

B: Architis

C: Scurvy

D: Night-blindness


Coelom is divided into septa in case of:__________?

A: Molluscs

B: Annelids

C: Sponges

D: Cniderians


Haemoglobin is dissolved in the blood of:___________?

A: Earthworm

B: Cockroach

C: Hydra

D: Sponges


Like enzymes , co enzyme can be used ?

A: only once

B: only few times

C: again and again

D: non of above

again and again

Which of the following gases readily combines with the haemoglobin of the blood?

A: Carbon monoxide

B: Methene

C: Oxygen

D: Nitrogen dioxide

Carbon monoxide

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